Atari Bay Area Computer Users Society
P.O. Box 22212, San Francisco, California 94122
(415) 469-7924 (Voice)
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October 2005
Web Sites for items discussed at the October 2005 ABACUS Meeting
This month's episode: Roger shows off the (not quite working yet) Windows computer he's assembled for video editing. Phil and Warren take up some of the slack showing off Macintosh software and other items.
Roger's New Computer (a more complete listing can be found here):
- Processor - AMD Athlon 64 2800+
- Motherboard - ECS K8M800-M2
- Memory - PQI 1GB (2x512MB) DDR PC3200 RAM
- HDD - Maxtor 200GB 3.5" Ultra ATA/133 Hard Drive
- DVD Burner - NEC ND-3540A 16X DVD-RW
- Combo Drive - Artec Black 52x32x52 CDRW & 16x DVD-ROM
- Computer Case - 10-Bay Matrix ATX Window Case w/450-Watt PS (in mustard yellow, yet!)
- FDD - Samsung Black 1.44MB 3.5-inch Floppy
Roger's New Software:
Macintosh Software and Other Things:
- Dropping Bush - if he gets stuck, just drag him out with the mouse.
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